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“Welcoming our Risen Lord as we journey beyond

COVID and in the light of our Synod on Synodality”

1. The parish seeks to update its list of parishioners who are shut-in and sick at home. Please call or email Fr. Rocco or Joy to inform them of your special needs. We will be inviting parishioners in the weeks ahead to the ministry of serving our sick and shut-ins.

2. May 12 is Hudson Gives. Please donate to our Campus Kitchen feeding program for neighbors in need at and select “Campus Kitch” or “Saint Peter’s.” Any amount will be greatly appreciated. The donation portal is open until May 18.

3. Registration has begun for the 2022-2023 Family Faith Formation Program. Our next Sunday registration will take place on Sunday, May 22 after all of the Masses in the rectory. Please note that all returning students must register anew. Details about the program can be found on the parish website. You can also call the rectory and make an appointment for registration. Finally, you can ask a Minister of Hospitality for our bilingual flyer describing the registration process for the coming year.

4. Our First Communion celebration will be on Saturday, May 14 at 1 p.m. You are invited to join the twenty candidates and their families in live stream from our St. Aedan’s Facebook page.

5. A Saturday Vigil Mass will return on Saturday, May 21 at 5:30 p.m. You may request Mass intentions for the Vigil Mass. The Mass will be preceded by confessions starting at 4:30 p.m. Our Friday Confessions after the 12:10 p.m. Mass will also continue along with Confessions by appointment. All Confessions will remain in open space.

6. Our food and clothing collection in support of the Saint Peter’s University Food Pantry and Clothing Closet will be on Sunday, May 29.

7. Our first of several Parish Fellowship Moments this summer will be on Sunday, June 26. It will be an outdoor fellowship potluck after each Mass. Stay tuned for more details in the weeks to come!

8. A glass dish for holy water was taken from one of our angel fonts at the main entrance of the Church. Remember that whatever is in the Church is for all the people of the parish and should remain in the Church. If anyone sees someone taking Church property, our property, please say something. Thank you!


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